A Glimpse of Our Showroom:

Basic Information
Tommy's Wholesale Florist, Inc. is a full line wholesale florist servicing retailers who specialize in cut flowers, floral supplies, permanent botanicals, and holiday decorations.
We deliver to most of South Carolina, the lower parts of North Carolina, Savannah, and Augusta, Georgia.
We have a 35,000 square foot facility located in Florence SC.
We stock over 8,000 floral supply items and have a large selection of fresh cut flowers.
We sell strictly wholesale only.
You must be a registered customer to view prices and buy our products online.
A minimum of $300.00 first purchase must be met unless you have proof of purchase from other suppliers.
Existing Customers, log in to shop.
Note: Existing customers must complete a one time registration to get receive a unique username and password.
Interested in becoming our customer? Please print and fill out the Certificate of Resale Form and the ST-8A form. Then, send the complete documents and a copy of your State Sales Tax License by mail, email or fax to Tommy's Wholesale Florist, Inc.
Email: twfnewsignup@gmail.com
Fax: 843-662-1262
Address: 2106 East National Cemetery Road
Florence S.C. 29506

Want to know more about us? Click here!

Contact Tommy's Wholesale Florist, Inc
2106 East National Cemetery Road
Florence S.C. 29506